April 99 Observations

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Image of the sun projected on to a white piece of cardboard thru a small unfiltered refractor.

At 6:03PM EST, with the sun still high in the sky, I was able to locate Venus with the unaided eye. I got the scope out and at 136X Venus looked very strange against the blue sky as opposed to a black or night sky. I was not able to view it very long but gaps between the clouds seemed visible learn. Venus' shape was slightly gibbous, a bit past half disk. I hope to image this planet during the day to see what detail can be obtained. The weather today (4/25) was rather unusually clear and transparent.

Image of the sun projected on to a white piece of cardboard thru a small unfiltered refractor.
Notice the change from yesterday. Orientation of image unknown. Out of round image is caused by video camera being offset from center.

Image of the sun projected on to a white piece of cardboard thru a small unfiltered refractor.
Orientation of image unknown. Out of round image is caused by video camera being offset from center.
